Track Record of Adoption by Use / Use Cases by Industry

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry


Toagosei, SEKISUI CHEMICAL, Mitsubishi Materials, Nitto Jushi Kogyo, Bridgestone, NICHIA, DuPont, MOCHIDA PHARMACEUTICAL, Takeda Pharmaceutical, SHIONOGI, DAIICHI SANKYO, ASKA Pharmaceutical, Tokyo Giken, University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, and others.

●Example of use

Development of medicine and chemical products by using solar light.

Color management of medicine and chemical products, and color evaluation of packages. In this application, inspection by image processing is conducted in addition to visual examination, so its stable light source is very helpful.

They are used by dental clinics and dental technicians for toning colors of artificial tooth. When making artificial tooth, a sample color which is the most appropriate for the patient is chosen from several decades of samples. And then, artificial tooth with the same color of the sample are made.


Artificial mammary is helpful for people whose mammary was excised due to breast cancer, but it is a difficult work to match color with that of surrounding skin. Conventionally, color matching was able to be done only in the daytime of sunny days, so process of making artificial mammary was strongly influenced by weather. Thanks to the artificial solar lightings, the work can be carried out whenever patients come.

They are used for MRT scan to inspect situation in the brain when solar light enters in eyes. In this case, light of the artificial lightings is entered in optical fiber after condensed, and then, the light is guided in front of patient’ face. Because MIT equipment is very large, tests can not be conducted outside. Hence, they are highly useful.

At one institution, research on skin cancer is conducted by casting light on laboratory mice.
Quantitative data can not be acquired by natural solar light, so the artificial solar lightings are a solution for an alternative light source.